Holy Shit! Visions of the Walworth Jumpers

Monday 7 December 2009

Spitafield line dancing is the new Thriller

How odd it is to see regular people line dance in the middle of the afternoon in one of the busiest shopping markets of dear old London! That is just what I was privileged to witness in Spitafield market last Saturday. Everyone and anyone could join in to the not so impromptu gathering. I especially liked the gentleman who couldn't dance to save his life but who was soldiering on anyhow! And the two kids and their parents who were having a ball on the sidelines. I love London for those little snippets of big city life; there is always something somewhere happening. We are told London is a heartless city full of poo-faced faces. If only they could see that video and bear witness to Londoners and tourists letting their head down. Line dancing is where it's at, baby!

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