Holy Shit! Visions of the Walworth Jumpers

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

L'ile Aux Trente Cercueils- le Feuilleton

This is the trailer for the TV series that is currently infuencing my children's book (work in progress)  "Coffin Island". The story was very dark and even though I was not allowed to watch it, I would get out of bed, sneak behind my parents' chair to try and catch a few glimpses.

Image courtesy of Valerie Pezeron. Cpyright 2012. Do not reproduce without permissions.

Of course what I saw made a lasting impression and I believesome of my work fits in the fantasy horror genre with heavy religious connotations because of that series! It traumatised an entire generation of French kids!

Monday, 20 August 2012

Drawing for the Day

Illustration courtesy of Valerie Pezeron. Copyright 2012. Do not reproduce without permission

Work in progress- drawing for a personal project I am currently developping related to African Queens.

Books Worth Reading

A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift: 

I have a board on Pinterest entitles Books Worth Reading. I am a writer and I love to read a lot of books. I like to mix between fiction, biographies and facts or investigative writings.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Drawing of the Day- Swinging Apocalypse

Illustration courtesy of Valerie Pezeron. Copyright 2012. Do not reproduce without permission

Balck Models

Roshumba Williams
I have updated my Pinterest account with a new board dedicated to Black Models. I am developping a series of portrait illustrations on black beauty and Afro-American queens and this board is the 1st step towards research.